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Thermal Control Optimization

Thermal Control Optimization

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Thermal Control Optimization | FeatureInfographics

Ensuring data center availability relies on having the right cooling components, properly configured to match load demand. Thermal control optimization helps you meet demand for increased capacity, improved efficiency, and overall optimized performance of an integrated infrastructure.


  • On-site consultation defines your unique needs and determines a plan for thermal control optimization
  • Configuration of set points reduces energy consumption, improves compressor life, and reduces “fighting” between units due to excessive humidification or dehumidification
  • Controls and settings review helps you determine the most appropriate controls, their settings, and how to network them
  • Optimized aisle control configuration includes the configuration of remote sensors, recommendations on sensor locations, and configuration of your Liebert iCOM control’s Teamwork Mode 3


  • Better support for your critical data center infrastructure results from an integrated and optimized approach to thermal management
  • Improved availability occurs as your cooling system is precisely matched to load demand
  • Greater energy efficiency results from eliminating overcooling and fighting between units
  • Improved capacity control is achieved by optimizing existing cooling infrastructure and reducing waste

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