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Data Center Blog

Learn from the experts and stay on top of the rapidly changing data center industry with our data center blog. You’ll learn about new technologies, technology management best practices, case studies, and more. New posts every month.

Why The Right Rack Matters in Your Data Center

Why the Right Rack Matters

Why the Right Rack Matters When it comes to selecting the right rack for your data center, you have options – perhaps too many options – which can create confusion and frustration among your team. How do you break it down when searching for the best rack system for your
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OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer

Why Factory-Direct Services Save You Money

Why Factory-Direct Services Save You Money Without a well-planned budget and purpose-driven plan, running a data center can be exceedingly time-consuming and expensive. One of the best ways to increase efficiency and save money is to partner with a trusted factory-direct service provider who can get you what you need,
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Fire And Ice Concept Design With Spark. 3d Illustration to protect your data center

How to Protect Your Data Center in Extreme Weather

How to Protect Your Data Center in Extreme Weather Whether the weather brings scorching heat or frigid temps and ice storms, data center operators all throughout the nation must be prepared for any and all types of weather, in addition to other types of unexpected disasters. How can you protect
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Two Preteen Diverse Students Using Laptop In Classroom

Smart Spending for Schools Through E-Rate

Smart Spending for Schools Through E-Rate The Increasing Technology Needs in Today’s Classroom The widespread availability of the internet has completely revolutionized the education system. Students can practice a new language with a native speaker on the other side of the globe, gain real-time insights about their comprehension while playing
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The Business Man Is Sitting In The Office Near The Window With A

Storm-proofing Your Facility with a Reliable Battery Monitoring System

Storm-proofing Your Facility with a Reliable Battery Monitoring System Cyber-attacks and physical attacks often cause panic attacks in even the most sophisticated data centers. It’s an ongoing battle to keep your mission-critical systems up and running. Mankind is the culprit of some of these attacks, whereas others are purely Mother
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10 Signs It’s Time For A Ups Battery Replacement Blog Image 17

10 Signs It’s Time for a UPS Battery Replacement

10 Signs It’s Time for a UPS Battery Replacement Network uptime is critical for your business. An essential component of assuring your technology uptime is the UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). These devices can often be forgotten as they have long lifespans and generally sit at the bottom of the tech
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example of a power distribution unit

5 Features to Look for in a PDU System

5 Features to Look for in a PDU System What is a PDU System? A PDU, or Power Distribution Unit, is a type of equipment that controls and distributes power to computers, servers, and networking devices within an IT environment.   To the untrained eye, some of these configurations appear to
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How to Keep Your Data Center Cool This Summer

How to Keep Your Data Center Cool This Summer During the summer months, it’s especially critical to be mindful of your data center’s heating and cooling patterns so that you can anticipate needs, prevent overheating, and avoid overspending on your energy bill. Taking a few key steps to improve efficiency
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Engineers discussing worldwide supply chain issues while looking at computer

Worldwide Supply Change Issues, When Will It End?

Data centers are under a lot of pressure to maintain uptime and keep companies running smoothly. With ongoing worldwide supply chain issues, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to get the right parts at the right time, and industries of all kinds are feeling the effects of these delays. How Did
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Smart Energy Solutions Image

Smart Energy Solutions to Improve Efficiency in Manufacturing

Smart Energy Solutions to Improve Efficiency in Manufacturing The manufacturing industry is a crucial component of our nation’s economy; it’s critical for not only day-to-day operations but also in keeping the U.S. competitive in the global market. However, being a powerhouse has its drawbacks. In order to produce the vital
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